August 24, 2015- Last night 23th August, the official websites in Thailand were hacked by the group of hacker called “Fallaga Team” from Tunisia.

The hacker group hacked the ‘Home Page(s)’ of at least three official websites as far as one knows, including 1) the official website of Lamphun province; http://www.lamphun.go.th/, 2) the official website of Mahasaraknam University; http://www.msup.msu.ac.th/about_us.htm and 3) the official website of Lamlukka Hospital of Pathumthani Province; http://llkhospital.com/news/index.php, by stating a phrase, “For our Muslim in Burma”. –


However, this particular group of hacker has its history of invading the official website of Israel, and has also joined in other group of the similar ‘Jihad Cyber’ completing the #OpFrance mission of the Charlie Hebdo Attacks previously.

Latest at 07.30 AM, the news media have been notified that there are three other official websites were made inaccessible including the ones from Tak Province; http://www.tak.go.th/, from Singburi Province; http://www.singburi.go.th/, and from Srakaeo province; http://www.sakaeo.go.th/. However, it is not yet to confirm that these three official websites were hacked by the same group, the ‘Falaga Team’.

The official Website of Lamphun Province, is a webpage that has been hacked with the most detailed message compared to all the others. It’s written on the webpage, “HACKED BY FALLAG GASSRINI & DR LAMOUCHI TUNISIAN CYBER RESISTANCE FALLAGA TEAM! …”

At the bottom of the website was written “Hello World ! This website has been hacked by FALLAG GASSRINI and DR LAMOUCHI Tunisian cyber resistance Alfallaga team … so admin don’t worry this is just a message and you can reset your website … so our message not just for the admin it’s for all the world you can see the background picture and you will understand and click at the button blow to read our full message.”

Many of the aforementioned background pictures that were used by this Hacker group are the images of the deceased, inclusive of the organs of the deceased, as well as the pictures of the Tibet Monk performing the funeral for those killed in the earthquake in Tibet on April 2010, which were often mistakenly shared in Social Media as the images of the priests killing Muslims in Myanmar.

Lastest at 04.00 AM, the official website of Lamphun Province was made inaccessible with the message says, “This webpage is not available”

While the official website from Mahasarakham University was hacked with the message written, “Hacked by Tunisian Fallaga Team Just For our Muslims in Burma”. The website as well was unable to access.


The official website of the Lamlukka Hospital http://llkhospital.com/news/index.php , was hacked with a message “hacked by Fallaga Team”, from 03.00AM on 24th August. However, it’s still accessible if open from the URL http://llkhospital.com/

Fallaga Team: “electronic jihad” the pro-Islamic group of hackers against secular state, but Not ISIS.

The title of the group, ‘Fallaga Team’ was named after the armed group that fought against the French colonial occupation of Tunisia.

The information from the website, which monitors cyber jihad “THE MEMRI CYBER & JIHAD LAB” states that ‘Fallaga Team’ is a pro-Islamic group of hackers, which is against the secular state and those who do not believe that God exists. However, the group has confirmed itself that it is not associated with ISIS.

By the information from the year of 2013, the group had hacked the site that support the rights of LGBT in Denmark, Sabaah.dk. The cause is not known to why it had done such practice.

The group had joined the #OpFrance to crush down the official France website, after the Charlie Hebdo attack.

According to the report by the International Business Times of England on 14 January 2015, after the incident on 7 January 2015, where two Islamist gunmen forced their way into the Paris headquarters of Charlie Hebdo and opened fire, killing twelve people for the cause that the Magazine has published a series of satirical cartoons of Prophet Muhammad, there were some anonymous hackers had joined in together in executing the #OpCharlieHebdo, to persuade the social media to ‘Report’ the Twitter with the number of more than 200 accounts were involved in this Jihad Warriors

In the report of Techworm.net noted that the groups of hackers which oppose the Charlie Hebdo Magazine call themselves ‘Jihad Cyber’ including Fallaga Team, AnonGhost, CyberCaliphate, and the United Islamic Cyber Force, had joined in together with the objective of declaring a cyber war against the cyber France. The mission is called #OpFrance.

These “cyber jihad” attacked on over 19000 websites in France. The changes have been made at the home page to be written with the opposed statement against Charlie Hebdo Magazine. Some websites were crushed down by the web attackers with the order of attack called ‘DdoS’. The provider of web hosting in France Oxalide once noted that the attacks have affected the system incredibly; it’s damaging its system basis.


Fallaga Team members disclose that most of its members are youngsters – have also joint in attacking Israeli online system.

In a report from VICE News on June, 2013; the interview with the user name “DR. XL”, one of the Fallaga Team member via Skype. “DR. XL”, which at that time was a young boy in the aged of 19, told that most of them are unemployed. He said there are about 60 of Fallaga Team members and are aged from 18 to 32 years old.

He mentioned that he started learning how to hack when he was a high school student in 2007 and later on in year 2012 he joined the Fallaga Team, that was when he recognize the concept of ” Al Jihad Électronique”. He stated that he joint in the group with the attempt to. “Stop anyone who wants to destroy Islam.”

As the objective of Fallaga Team is to, “spread the message of Islam and help Muslims wherever they are. And also to destroy Israel ”

DR.XL told that on April 7, 2013 the group has executed “Storm Attack 3” mission, that was aimed to destroy the Israel online system by hacking Facebook of over 6,000 accounts, numerous websites and release the credit card information of over 14,000 Israel user accounts. They also had destroyed the DNS or modem’s domain name system in Israel for another more than 10,000 devices.

In an interview with VICE News “DR. XL” indicates that he would want a job that involve with Internet Security in his future. He has an idea that will help secure the banking systems for banks in the world.However, there is no such work offer in Tunisia, and hence he was waiting for a chance to work. He stated that he wanted to use his skills to defend humanity. Nowadays, he could only help the Muslims who are unable to defend themselves. But one day he would do something to help mankind. He wants the world to know that Islam is not a terrorist, but peace.